About the GoBiking.ca web site
This web site is a non-commercial initiative by Michael McGoldrick. It is not affiliated with any business, club, or organization involved with bicycles or cycling.
GoBiking.ca is generally aimed at beginners and intermediate cyclists, although parts of it may be of interest to more experienced cyclists. Its primary focus is road cycling and touring.
This website is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and it first appeared in April, 2008.
No money is being spent to develop or promote this website, so if you think it would be of interest to others, please spread the word.
Other websites by Michael McGoldrick include:
► XCskiing.ca |
Old Archived Blogs
The contents of old non-operational blogs and discussion forums about cycling in the Ottawa/Gatineau area that used to appear on GoBiking.ca are retained for reference purposes only. They can be found at the following links:
Contact Information
Comments about this website can be sent to Michael McGoldrick at mm2@gobiking.ca . Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I am not in a position to provide lengthy replies.
Copyright and Disclaimer Notices
© Michael McGoldrick, 2008 – 2015. The web site at GoBiking.ca and all its subsidiary pages, and all text, photos, and graphics are copyright by Michael McGoldrick, 2008 – 2012. All rights reserved. Individuals are welcome to download and reproduce material from this site for their personal use (non-commercial use, non-public use).
DISCLAIMER: While the information provided on the GoBiking.ca web site, and all its subsidiary pages, is believed to be correct and up to date (as of March, 2008), this site, and all its subsidiary pages, are not explicitly or implicitly warranted or represented to be free of errors, omissions, or inaccuracies, nor is the information at this site and all its subsidiary pages explicitly or implicitly warranted or represented to be suitable or fit for any purpose, including for use in relation to cycling. In other words, use this site, and the information provided on this site “as is”, and entirely at your own risk.
Note that there are some inherent dangers in participating in outdoor or recreational activities such as cycling. Anyone making use of information provide on this website, or choosing to get involved in cycling does so entirely at their own risk.
Email Subscriptions
By subscribing to GoBiking.ca, you will get a short email message when there is a new post on the website. You can unsubscribe anytime by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any message sent to you. Your email addresses will only be used for GoBiking.ca mailing list, and will not be shared with or sold to any business or organization. [ return ]
Privacy Statement
This website is operated by an individual, and not a business, and it does not attempt to collect any personal information, except for what is required by the software to operate the system (e.g. for registations or email subscriptions).
Any email addresses or other information collected by the software will only be used for the operation of these systems, and will not be shared with or sold to any business or organization.
© Michael McGoldrick, 2015.
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