● City improves safety on Laurier Avenue bike lane by moving stop lines back.

In an effort to improve bicycle safety, the City of Ottawa has moved some of the stop lines for cars on Laurier Avenue back one to five metres. This means motorists will have a better view of cyclists who are stopped at a red light on the Laurier Avenue bike lane. This will help cyclists from being hit when a vehicle makes a right turn at an intersection and passes through the bike lane.

These changes come three weeks after 23 year-old Nusrat Jahan was killed while riding on the Laurier Avenue bike lane by a construction truck that was making a right turn.


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1 Comment on ● City improves safety on Laurier Avenue bike lane by moving stop lines back.

  1. good move… key is to get cyclists and pedestrians out of the intersection as quickly as possible. Thus, advance green is key. Putting lines back for cars is also a good choice as well.

    that truck driver must of been doing a good clip when hitting that cyclist, for at a full stop it would have taken him time to get up to speed to go through the intersection. More trucks downtown now that the federal and city level infrastructure spending is out in full force.

    I went by the Prince of Whales bridge this morning… 2 guards guarding the bridge. If someone wants on the bridge they will get on the bridge… many ways to get through the holes..

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