● Part of Watts Creek pathway closed July 10 to 14.
The NCC has announced that a segment of Watts Creek pathway between Moodie Drive and the Greenbelt Pathway West will be closed next week from July 10 to July 14 from 7am to 5pm. This closer will primarily affect people cycling to and from Kanata.
The NCC says the closure is needed to allow for the removal of trees affected by the Emerald Ash Borer that are either dead or dying.
The NCC suggests cyclists use alternate routes along Carling Avenue or Corkstown Road, and that signage will be installed at the pathway about the detour.
Both these roads have a reasonably good paved shoulder to ride on. However, people using the Corkstown route will have to contend with a good size hill. The situation on Carling Avenue can be dangerous. Here cyclists will have to merge with high speed traffic to pass through a narrow opening under a railroad overpass. The city has put up signs indicating that cyclists should “take the lane” and the motorists should not pass bicycles in this area. However, it has been my experience that the majority of motorists will speed up in attempt to pass (and often cut off) any cyclists trying to take the lane.
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