●They’re at it again – superfluous NCC pathway closures (Watts Creek pathway to remain closed July 17-19).

I went for a ride to Carp yesterday and had a chance to check out the Watts Creek pathway closure. It was supposed to be closed from July 10 to 14 to facilitate the removal of dead and dying trees. From what I could see from both ends of the closure, no work was being done on the pathway. I thought to myself that at this rate, they’ll have to extend the closure to get the work done.

Yup, that’s exactly what they did. A check of the NCC website now indicates that in addition to the original 5 day period, this pathway will also be closed July 17-19.

The NCC has a sorry record of closing pathways for periods far longer than necessary to get work done. It as if it’s too much trouble for them to schedule closures to coincide with the actual work. Instead, they are in the habit of closing pathways for excessively long periods so work crews can show up at their convenience.

It seems that the NCC adheres to the old notion that these pathways are simply non-essential recreational facilities rather than important transportation arteries. By contrast, you’ll never see the NCC close the Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway for long periods with zero work being done for days on end.


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1 Comment on ●They’re at it again – superfluous NCC pathway closures (Watts Creek pathway to remain closed July 17-19).

  1. have to keep in mind ncc is a federal entity… every opportunity a federal entity can get to create a crisis/hype/etc… it will – to obtain funding, build its empire, etc…

    just look at how much tree cutting is going on along the pathways now a days, ridiculous. Make work project.

    I suspect this is the same… make work project

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