● June is Bicycle Month in Mississippi Mills.

People living in Almonte, Pakenham, or Ottawa’s west end may be interested to know that June is Bicycle Month in Mississippi Mills.

It celebrates cycling with a series of bicycle-themed events that take place throughout the month, and usually includes guided rides, parades, educational events, and other bicycle related activities. Most are free and many are family orientated events. This years rides include bird watching cycling tours, rides for “Slow Spokes” (typically 14 to 16 km/h covering a distance of 10 to 20 kilometres), and a Tri-Brew Tour, which will showcase three local breweries in Mississippi Mills. Click here for a schedule of all the events that will be taking place this June.

For those of you who may not be very familiar with Mississippi Mills, it’s an amalgamation of numerous small towns in Lanark County in an area immediately adjacence to Ottawa’s western boundary. Its administrative centre is located in Almonte.


1 Comment on ● June is Bicycle Month in Mississippi Mills.

  1. everyone talks about bicycle months and days, but then on the next breath I turn on the tv and hear safe cycling ottawa and the ottawa police blame/shame cyclists for not having horns, lights, and flashy costumes on while biking…

    horns are useless in traffic, they won’t do a damn thing for those in their metal cage with music playing
    lights are ok at night, won’t save yah from a rogue driver during the day.
    And, to wear all sorts of flashy clothing, what are we becoming a 3rd world nation?

    anyhow, very rarely does the city take the blame/shame for poor road design – plenty of examples of that failure – the booth street bridge the most recent flawed design plus recent news paper articles

    Cities lack forward thinkers – future thinkers that considers capacity planning, planning for alternative modes of transportation etc… its mostly just flying by the seat of the pants sort of planning.

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